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23-05-2024, 12:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 23-05-2024, 10:48 PM by sugahdaddy15. Edited 5 times in total. Edited 5 times in total.)
Dear readers,
This story will have less narration of sexual intercourse and more around story build up. Hope it is to your liking.
If this is not for you please check out my other story -
Morning breeze in the city is hard to come by. We need to enjoy it as much as we can when it is there. Jay was doing exactly that. He was sipping his morning coffee on the terrace in his pajamas enjoying the breeze.
He heard his wife call him from the living room.
"Don't feel like going for shopping?" She asked. He lazily turned around and walked into the room.
"Don't worry. A promise is a promise." He responded.
"Then why are you not getting ready? You know traffic will be bad on Saturdays. Getting to the mall early is the key for a successful shopping trip." Savita said smiling.
She knows that Jay doesn't want t leave the house on weekends but that is the only opportunity she has to spend time with him and shopping was just a ruse for her.
She had to nag him a lot to make him agree to go shopping this Saturday and doesn't want to miss the opportunity.
"Get ready" she said disappearing into the bedroom with attached bathroom.
Jay continued finishing his coffee.
"What a babe she is. No sag, no fat bulges of any sort on her body. Just a look of her face makes one wonder, "how tight will she be when you penetrate her and the expression she would have while I slowly slide it in? " he thought.
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"Shit..shit. how can I think such things about my own wife? If I am doing this, what would other men be thinking about her when they see her?"
"How did I get a babe like Savita?" he wondered. "How did she agree to go out with me when I asked and why did she pick me of all the hunks trying for just a chance to have coffee with her?"
"Well, women are weird creatures." he smiled to himself and walked into the other bath room in their guest bedroom.
Jay's family was well off and he took over the family business and they live comfortably in the city. Savita complained about getting bored during the early stages of their marriage but later settled down into her routine and started finding ways to keep herself busy and occupied when he is away on business trips.
They have been married for a little over 4 years and they still look like newlyweds.
"A cute pair...a gorgeous pair" were some comments at their wedding.
Their parents live in the village and are old so whenever possible, Jay and Savita visit them.
The shopping trip was a success for Savita and Jay wanted to delight her with a movie and dinner as well.
"How did I get such a loving husband?" Savita teased him as the car pulled onto their drive way.
They had everything they can ask for. They are very soft in nature and don't like to dominate or say or do stuff to make each other feel bad about anything.
The only issue Savita has is about the business trips Jay goes on leaving her all alone in the house. But she never made it an issue. She always tried to find ways to keep herself occupied.
"How long is the trip this time, Jay?" Savita asked him after they had sex. Sex was also very satisfying for each other and they could not ask for more.
"Two days at least Hon." He said.
"I will take the morning flight and be back by next evening." He continued, "Can you please pack my jacket? It will get cold in Delhi this time of the year."
"Hmm." is all she could say before dozing off.
Next morning was hectic for Savita with the packing and sending her husband off. She settled on the couch as soon as Jay left for the airport and turned the TV on.
She was trying to pick up a hobby that will keep her busy not just for these two days but for a longer period of time.
The ones she tried before ended up boring her to death. First it was joining a book club and all the ladies talk only about jewelry or sarees and stuff.
The next one was an online trading gig and that too became very demanding and she wanted out.
Jay always encourages her to find something else when she brought this up. "Try and try until you find the right one for you." is what he says normally.
Savita started browsing the channels and sound nothing interesting.
She turned it off and got onto her laptop and started browsing. Nothing interesting there either.
She heard some commotion outside and walked onto the terrace and noticed a procession on the street. Some folks were chanting something she could not understand but noticed people handing out flyers with some messages to folks. A guy walked towards her house and stuck a flyer to the gate.
She did not pay much attention to it but then she noticed something. A woman from the other side of the road noticed her and her eyes grew wider. She stared and Savita for good couple of minutes and crossed the road and stuck a different flyer to the gate.
While walking away, she turned around and looked at Savita once again before disappearing into the crowd.
Savita walked back into her room and settled on the couch. While having her coffee, she could not shake off the thought of the woman from the procession.
Curious, she walked down the stairs and walked up to the gate and picked up the flyers and came back in.
The first flyer was yellow in color and was about women rights.
She looked at the second one which was pink in color. It did not have any message in it.
All it had was "Bored? Need some excitement in life? Want to spice things up?"
"Look no further. Call the number below or visit us at"
Savita smiled to herself. "The woman thought I would be interested in this mumbo jumbo and that I am bored?" and threw the flyers into the trash can and went about her morning chores.
Later that evening, she again started going through the web sites to see if there is anything she can find as a hobby.
Most of the job openings either need full time commitments or need her to travel. She is not interested in either.
She finished her dinner and put on a movie and started watching. She woke up and found herself on the couch with the TV still on. The movie had ended.
"When did I fall asleep?" She thought turning the TV off. She checked the time and it was 10PM.
She moved to her bed room but could not sleep.
So she walked into the main room and started cleaning stuff, hoping that it would tire her enough so that she will go back to sleep.
No such luck.
She was still wide awake
She emptied the trash can in the living room into the big one in the room next to their guest bedroom when she noticed the pink flier.
She picked it and walked to the computer and looked up the website.
It was some sort of TED talk kind of stuff. It was about motivational speeches etc,.
She was about to close the window when her eyes fell on a logo at the bottom right corner of the web page.
It looked weird like a rhombus. She hovered her mouse on it and found it was clickable.
So clicked on it and that opened up another page.
It was blank. Before Savita could close it, something showed up in bold letters.
At the bottom there were two buttons - Yes and No.
She clicked on Yes.
The next page had a series of buttons.
and some others.
She clicked on Job.
It took her to a page with a series of links to some job opportunity sites.
She clicked the back arrow and clicked on Education and got some similar results with links to better education/ university sites.
Family button took her to some therapy sites.
She said, "I am bored of your BS." out loud and laughed. She got onto her feet and walked into the kitchen to get some juice.
"I am so bored." she thought to herself while sipping the drink.
She sat on the couch for a bit but then came back to her laptop.
She wanted to see if all the buttons lead to the same old boring stuff.
Instead if clicking on the buttons, she started to check what else are these idiots trying to "HELP" people with.
She found the same logo at the bottom right corner of the page.
She thought, "I wonder what this does" and clicked on it.
It took her to another page and that one had only one button.
"What? Why is this one on another page?"
She clicked on it.
The next page had a series of questions with options to pick from.
"What are you trying to achieve?"
option1: Spice up sex life with the current spouse
option 2: Find some one
option3: Other
She clicked the first one, not because she has any complaints about her sex life but out of curiosity.
It showed a popup message that said "This is not for you."
Savita was confused by this. "What do they mean by it is not for me?"
Her curiosity increased and so clicked on the second option.
The popup message this time said "This is not a dating site."
She laughed out loud.
"What are these guys trying to get to?"
She then clicked on the third option.
The message said "Congratulations on taking the first step in the right direction."
and took her to a different page.
It had only one question
Savita was being amused by all this nonsense and so continued with her "search".
Need excitement in life? Yes/No
She clicked on Yes
The next question appeared.
Want to keep it interesting? Yes/No
The next question after she clicked on Yes was -
Want to have an affair? Yes/No
She clicked on No and the popup message said "Wrong answer."
She could not believe someone would build a website for this and clicked on yes.
The next question was -
What are you looking for?
Option1: One night stand
Option2: Long term affair
Option3: Multiple one night stands
Savita was getting curious by the minute. "What is at the end of all this?" She wondered and kept going.
She clicked option 1. The popup message said "Just a onetime affair? Are you sure you don't want this to happen again?" but there were no yes/no buttons.
Frustrated, she clicked on the second one.
"As it was mentioned before, this is not a dating site."
She found that a bit offensive.
"What the hell?"
She clicked on the third one.
"Congratulations on choosing the right answer." was the popup and onto the next page it went.
"A few more questions before we find a solution for your problem"
"How dare they say I have a problem" she thought but was too curious to stop.
The question was
"What are your expectations?"
Option1 : Just fun
Option2: Pocket money
Option 3: Serious fun with benefits
"What the F?" she thought and clicked on option 1 only to get a popup message "This is not for you."
Clicking on the second option got the message, "This is not for you."
She clicked on the last option and again the same message before taking her onto another page.
"Congratulations on choosing the right answer."
"How serious are you with all this?"
Option 1: Not interested at all but want to see what this web page leads to?
Option2: Just testing the waters?
Option 3: Very committed
She chuckled looking at the first option.
The first two options led her to the same message "This is not for you"
The third one took her to the next page but not before congratulating her on choosing the correct option, of course.
The next question was
"What is the fantasy?"
Option1: Business woman
Option 2: Single to mingle
Option 3: Newlywed who doesn't want to have an affair
Option 4: In it only for the money
Option 5: Pop the cherry
Option 6: more for later
She assumed all the first five questions will lead nowhere and selected the sixth one and the message said, "This is not for now. But later."
She was surprised and amused.
Options 1,2,4 and 5 gave out the same result.
So she chose Option 3.
She could not believe her eyes when she saw the question on the next page.
"How much would you charge per night?"
This had a free text box for her to enter text. She noticed the Rs symbol in front of it.
"This is soo ridiculous, it is actually interesting." She chuckled again.
She did not know what to do and so entered 100.
The popup message said, "For a babe like you? It should be way more than 100."
She burst into laughter.
"Whoever designed this is brilliant." She could not stop laughing. "It is designed to force everyone to become a hooker."
She continued laughing for a while and once she was able to control her laughter, she got a naughty smile on her lips.
She wanted to see what the website thinks she is worth.
She then entered "1000" and got the same message as before. She tried 5000, then 10,000, then 20,000 and kept going.
She was feeling proud of herself in some weird way as the website kept saying she is worth way more than the amount she entered.
She then made it 100,000.
"Congratulations on entering the right amount" was the message. and then nothing happened.
"ooooh, I am worth 100,000 for a night. Wow Savita you are the bomb!!" she said to herself and giggled.
She was expecting some more naughty and suggestive questions to show up, but nothing happened.
She thought, "May be that is the end of it."
"I had fun though."
She was about to close the window when she noticed the same logo at the bottom right corner.
She immediately clicked on it as she did not want the fun to end.
The next question was
"When can you start?"
Option1: Never as this was all just for fun
Option2: Need time to decide
Option3: Immediately
As she had suspected selecting the first two options got the message that they are not for her.
When she clicked the third option, it congratulated her on choosing the right option and showed a single button with Rs symbol on it and it was flashing.
Savita clicked on it and the screen went blank for a split second. It then came back to the same page.
She thought it might be a power outage.
Some script started to run in the back ground.
She did not understand why that was happening and figured they might be some scheduled software upgrades running in the back ground and paid no attention to them.
After a minute or so the page changed and looked something like a page from an online sexy lingerie sale site with pictures of sexy looking clothes and naughty toys in the back ground.
The message said, "You have taken the first step in the right direction. So SMIIIILLLLLEEEE!!!!"
Savita stared and the screen for a bit and laughed.
She felt a flash of light.
She looked outside and noticed it was cloudy and windy.
" a storm is brewing. The lights might go any minute now." She got up and walked up to the window to close the curtains.
"Thanks for choosing us and we will stay in touch."
P.S: Wear something sexy."
was the last message and the window closed by itself.
Savita looked at the clock and it was 11PM.
"Good, I was able to kill an hour."
She walked into the shower and took a bath.
She was about to change into her regular night gown but stopped. The naughty smile came back on her lips. She giggled again.
"Since I am a hooker now and charge 100,000 a night, I should change into something sexy as per the web site." she giggled and picked a sexy lingerie set Jay had gifted her the year before for their anniversary.
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She then got onto her bed and the lights went off.
"Rats" she thought and got up to get the torch, when the door bell rang.
She looked at the clock at it was midnight. It was raining heavily by then.
She walked into the main room and peeped through the peephole. She could not figure out who was standing outside.
It was very dark.
She spoke in a loud voice, "Who is it?"
"I am here" was all she could hear.
She missed some words the other person spoke.
"What?" she yelled.
"Is this Savitha?" was the answer. She figured it was a man.
"Yes?" She said.
"I am here for the" was the response she could hear.
"Are you from my husband's office?" she yelled back.
"Yes..the office messaged me....appointment.....tonight." was the response.
"What the hell." She thought.
"Jay is not home. He is on a business trip. Please come back later." She yelled back.
"No..No..tonight....I was looking" the guy said.
"Is it urgent? Are you from my husband's office? What is that you need?" Savita managed to say.
"Appointment..appointment..tonight. Office messaged me.....for tonight." he said.
"No ..No..I cannot let you in. Please come back tomorrow." She said.
There was silence for a couple of minutes.
She held her ear close to the door to hear any noise.
She could hear nothing.
Satisfied she turned back and was about to walk towards the bedroom when she hear something.
She turned around.
She could hear the guy talk, probably to some one of the phone, she thought.
"No..I said tonight. .... not tomorrow. .... immediate require......Yes..yes..I got the confirmation. What..what? you need confirmation number? okay..okay is SDM469004859.
There was silence for a bit. Probably the guy was listening to whoever is on the other side. Savita figured.
" ..appointment is for is a confirmed appointment."
Then everything went silent.
Savita waited for a few more minutes but could not hear anything.
She immediately called Jay.
It went straight to the answering machine.
She tried again and again. The result was the same.
She was a bit frustrated with jay as he did not answer the phone when it rang and it was Jay calling her back.
"Hello, Savita? Why are you still up?" He asked.
"There was someone at the door." she said
"This late?" He asked.
"Yes. Something about an appointment from your office tonight." She managed to tell him all he heard.
"Wait..wait..slow down. What appointment ? From my office?" Jay asked.
"I could not hear what the guy was saying clearly." Savita responded.
"Someone from my office, this late?" Jay said in a low voice as he is thinking and trying to figure out who it could be.
"I gave all the files and instructions to the section in charge before I left for Delhi. Are you sure it was someone from my office?" he asked.
"Sounded like it" Savita replied.
"Hmmm..who could it be?" He thought.
"Never mind. You don't have to answer the door. I will talk to my manager tomorrow." He said.
"Okay" Savita was at ease.
"Were you scared?" jay asked.
" scared but was wondering who would have come this late and what is it that cannot wait till tomorrow. Is there any important work that needs to be taken care of tonight?" She asked.
"Not that I can think of..unless there is any failure in the production wing. But they would reach out to the manager as they know I am in Delhi." Jay wondered.
I stayed silent for a minute and spoke.
"Can you please check in the top right drawer in my office?" Jay asked.
"What am I looking for?" She asked.
"A black folder. It has the last year's earnings and other tax details. I emailed the manager that information as he needed them for filing." He said.
"Yes..yes. I see it." Savita replied.
The lights came on.
She told Jay that the electricity is back.
"But why would he need a hard copy? I already sent him the sift copy." Jay said.
"You know what" he spoke after a bit, "Don't worry about this. Nothing can be this urgent. I will call the office tomorrow and let them know."
"Okay" she replied.
"Now go to sleep." Jay said.
"Okay." she said.
Jay could sense some fear in her voice, so he asked, "Should I ask Mr. Khanna to check on you?"
Mr. Khanna is their neighbor. He is 78 and lives in the house across from the street.
Savita said, "No..No that is not needed. I am okay. It is raining heavily and it is very windy. Please do not trouble him. And the lights are back on."
"Are you sure?" Jay asked.
"Y..yes..yes. I am sure." Savita responded.
"You don't seem very sure." Jay joked.
" I will be alright." She replied.
"hmmm.okay. I will call him to at least to check from his window to see if there is anyone at the main door." Jay said.
"Okay. " she said.
Jay called Mr. Khanna immediately and asked him to check from his window. He did and could not see anyone at the door.
Jay was satisfied with this and thanked him for his help.
"No trouble at all. I can go over to check on Savita if you want." he asked.
Jay said, "Not necessary Mr. Khanna. It is raining and windy."
" is very windy today." Mr.Khanna was relieved that Jay did not ask him to leave the house this late.
Jay thanked him and hung up. He then called Savita.
"Hi Savita, spoke to Mr. Khanna. There is no one at the door. So go to sleep."
Savita was relieved hearing this.
Jay then said, "He offered to check on you himself and I declined. He then said okay. But I could sense the fear in his voice. He probably was fretting that I will ask him to go check on you. Ha..ha"
This put Savita in a lighter mood.
She finally laughed and said, "Poor Mr.Khanna. Always ready to help others at this age but the body does not cooperate. He is a good guy."
"Yes..yes..that he is." Jay said and hung up wishing her a good night.
"Phew" Savita breathe a sigh of relief. It was around 1AM.
She was still wide awake.
Not knowing what to do she wanted to turn the TV on but instead chose to get on her web.
She opened the browser. She went over the recent events, some shopping sites and played some music for a bit.
She then slowly went to the browser history and looked at the site in the list.
She wanted to ignore it but she was wide awake and so wanted to go to that site again.
She wanted to go to the page where it will ask how much she charges for a night. It gave her an unknown thrill. She wanted to see what it says if she enters a big number.
She smiled to herself thinking about this.
"Congratulations on making the right choice" she said with a fake male voice as she logged back onto her machine.
As soon as she clicked on the url, the page that opened had a dark back ground and the letters were in dark blue or pink color and so were not very visible. It looked very different this time.
She moved a bit closer to the screen to read it.
She again could sense a flash of light. She looked at the curtains and they were a bit open. She moved back and again a flash of light and then again. She was afraid the lights could go again.
She got up moving back a bit while the flashes continued.
She walked up to the window and closed the window and pulled the curtains.
Savita walked into the kitchen and could still sense the flashes of light. "Hope the storm will pass soon." she thought.
She came back to her computer and looked at the screen.
and there was only one button with a contour of a naked lady in a sexy pose on it.
She clicked on it.
The next page read "When do you want to start?"
with the same options as before.
She was hoping to get to the page with the amount per night.
So she hit the back button but the page after reloading said, "When can you start?"
There was a fourth option now.
Option1: Never as this was all just for fun
Option2: Need time to decide
Option3: Immediately
Option 4: Check status
Knowing what would happen if she clicks the first two, she clicked the third one and got the message "Option already selected."
She then selected the fourth one.
It took her to a page that had a detailed invoice of some transaction.
The amount showed Rs.100,000.
Then a confirmation number.
"Confirmation number?" She wondered.
She was confused as to what all this is.
It then showed the status of the arrival of some "Package". It said "Arrived."
Savita jumped as soon as she heard the door bell ring.
She wondered who could it be.
"Could be Mr.Khanna" He did come to check on me. What a nice guy." She thought.
She slowly walked towards the door and peeped outside. She could see some guy wearing a uniform and a cap holding something.
She said, "Yes?"
"Ms.Savitha?" He yelled.
"Yes?" she replied.
"Can you please sign the document so that I can drop the package off?" The guy said.
"Could it be some ting from Jay's office?" She wondered.
"Ms.Savitha? Are you there? I need your signature." He rushed her.
Realizing what she was wearing, she immediately ran to the bedroom and wrapped herself in a night gown to cover herself.
She came back and slowly opened the door.
The delivery guy handed her a tablet to sign on.
She signed on it and he handed her a small box and wished her good night and walked away.
Savita could not process all this.
She locked the door and slowly walked to her desk looking at the package.
It was the side of a shoe box.
She got a pair of scissors and opened it.
It looked very fancy with silky fluffy insides.
She found a garment in it. She pulled it out and figured it is a sexy lingerie.
It was made of a very think material and is almost see through.
She imagined herself in that and chuckled at the image.
"I would look ravishing in this." she thought.
"Jay is such a naughty boy." she figured thinking that it is from him. " I wish it had arrived when he was here. I would have shown all my skills in the bedroom" she giggled.
She was feeling very warm thinking about their bedroom sessions.
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She wanted to call jay immediately but it was almost 2AM and so she did not want to disturb him. "He needs his sleep. Tomorrow could be a big day for him." she figured.
She came back from her thoughts and started going through the rest of the items in the box.
It looked like a welcome kit.
She saw a brochure of some kind with all naughty images that said "WELCOME!!! Congratulations on taking the first step in the right direction..blah..blah.." with the same site at the bottom.
There wasn't anything else.
She flipped the brochure over but it was all blank.
"So it is not from Jay? What is all this?" She wondered.
She looked for a return address on the box but there was none. She could find a list of items included in the package though.
It said -
1. Clothing
2. Brochure
3. Member info
4. Invoice
"What? There is more?" She thought.
She started looking for more stuff. She found a picture of a guy in his 30s. She looked at the picture and thought, "hmm could be the guy who designed all this. But why is this sent to me? Could it be a promotional thank you kit for going to their website and taking the survey? I have taken so many surveys but no one had sent anything but a mere thank you." She thought.
She dug deeper and found a nicely folded sheet. She opened it as was stunned to see the same invoice of the transaction she saw on the screen.
It had the confirmation number.
She immediately remembered that the guy who rang the door bell earlier gave the same number to someone on the phone.
"So it was a delivery guy before?" she wondered and chuckled since she had freaked out earlier.
She put the box on the table and looked at the "Attire".
It looked very expensive and revealing when compared to the one she was wearing.
She slowly walked into the bedroom holding it with a naughty smile on her lips.
She held it against her and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She would look like a sex bomb in it.
She wanted to put it away and go to bed. She took one step towards the bed and stopped.
" would I actually look in this I wonder?" she smiled.
She threw away the night gown and also threw away the lingerie she was in and slowly put the new garment on.
She slowly turned and looked at her own reflection in the mirror.
"Jay would faint if he sees me in this. He..he." She smiled and felt very proud of herself.
The material felt great touching her body and all her curves were on display.
Still not feeling sleepy, she slowly walked to the laptop and looked at the screen. The page had refreshed and there was one only one button, again with a women in a suggestive pose on it flashing, which said check status.
She immediately clicked on it. "Another package?" She was anxious and curious at the same time.
"What else could they have sent for taking the survey?" she wondered.
The status said 2 minutes away.
She said, "Hmmm".
She picked the night gown and wrapped herself with it to get ready for the next package.
It felt like a life time when she heard a low knock on the door.
"Who would knock and not ring the bell?" she was agitated.
She ten remembered Mr. Khanna.
The old man finally came to check on me. Only old people do not know about calling bells and other stuff.
She ran towards the door and opened it.
She froze in her steps to see a tall handsome guy in front of her.
He had a cheek to cheek smile.
He was the same guy from the picture she received in the package.
He was staring at her exposed legs as the night gown only covered until her thighs.
She felt a bit uncomfortable. The first guy was in a rush to get her signature and leave. This guy is behaving differently.
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23-05-2024, 09:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 26-05-2024, 08:51 AM by sugahdaddy15. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
"Are you not going to let me in?" He said with a smile.
"Let him in? Why doesn't he just give me the package , take my signature and leave like the other guy?" she thought.
But did not want to sound rude as it was still raining and windy, so stepped aside a bit.
The guy walked in and still had the same smile.
She noticed he was holding a small package and extended her hand towards him.
He said, 'Opps, sorry" and handed the package over.
Savita was busy looked at the package and did not notice that the guy turned around and slowly closed the door and locked it behind him.
The package was much smaller and looked almost like an envelope.
She opened it eagerly and found a lot of cash.
She was puzzled and looked further only to find a few pictures....of herself.
They were the ones taken when she was in front of the laptop. The first few were Savita in her sleeveless blouse and chiffon sari she was wearing in the early evening. The others were her in the lingerie she wore that she got from Jay.
She was still processing all this when the guy spoke, 'Sorry about earlier. I did not know the protocol very well."
"Protocol?" She asked.
"To wait till the package is delivered and you confirm the receipt." He replied.
"Wha..what are you talking about?' is all she could utter.
"Hmmm". the guy slowly walked past her into the living room as if he is checking a brand new car he just bought.
"And don't worry about the booze. I don't drink before sex." He said.
"Sex?" her heart almost stopped.
"S..sor..sorry, there has been a misunderstanding." Savita started getting into damage control.
"They told me it would be a role play. I love it." He exclaimed.
"So let's play!" he said sitting on the couch.
"Excuse me? Roll what?" Savita hissed.
Savita was still standing near the door.
Her mind went completely blank.
She managed to say, "Big..nig misunderstanding. I don't think you understand. I need you to leave."
The guy made no attempt to get off the couch and his smile grew wider as he was enjoying this.
"Okay Savita." He said, "Did you take the package with my picture in it?"
"Yes..but" she tried saying something.
"And did you receive the lingerie?"
"Aaand did you receive the invoice?" was the next question.
"aaand did you sign for all that?"
"Did you voluntarily let me in?"
Again "Yes"
"Did you ask for the money and did I not have your profile pictures?" He was enjoying this to the fullest.
It all started to dawn on her slowly as her mind started to put all the events together.
The website is designed to make the user, herself, to chose the options they want her to chose as per their plan.
It also made her accept certain things and answer to certain questions that no one in their right mind normally would.
"They probably tracked where I live and my details using my IP address."
The website used some way of hacking into her computer and used the camera to capture her pictures. "So that was the program running in the back ground?" She figured.
She did not know what to say. Everything he said was true. "This looks bad..really bad, especially the fact that she let him in and he is now sitting on her couch in the living room." she thought.
"How do I get rid of him before anyone else finds out?' Savita was thinking hard what to say when the door bell rang.
The guy's eye grew bigger as he wasn't expecting anyone.
Ruby jumped at the sound of the bell did not know what to do and slowly moved towards the door and peeped only to find Mr.Khanna.
In the state she was in, she did not want him to see the stranger in her living room.
She immediately turned towards the stanger as a reflex and made a gesture telling him to get into the kitchen and out of the view.
He did.
She opened the door and greeted Mr. Khanna.
He said, "Savita beti, is everything okay, Jay called and asked me to check on you."
"e..ev.everything is okay." She replied.
'Okay then, I will leave. good night." and he left.
She was in two minds, should she go after him and ask for help?
Before she gets to react, the stranger made the decision for her and closed the door and locked it.
Savita stepped back as to move away from him.
"Did you just not break character? Savita?", he asked with amusement in his eyes, " You were supposed to ask him for help as you do not want to have sex with a stranger. Is it not the case anymore?" moving closer to her.
"She thought, 'Yeah, why didn't I?"
"Pl..please, do understand, there has been a mist.." she could not finish her sentence when the stranger moved forward and pulled on her night gown with one hand. She swirled around as it came off.
"Aaaah" she yelled.
The guy was holding the night gown and could not believe his eyes as to what he just unearthed.
" Yesss." he hissed.
Savita tried to cover herself with her hands which only encouraged the stranger.
He asked, 'Where do you want to do it? or rather where do you not want to do it?" smiling.
She could not respond.
He immediately turned her sound and pushed her.
Savita had to put both her palms on the couch head to gain balance.
He move behind her unzipping his pants and fishing his cock out. With his left hand moved the thong out of the way and flicked her pussy with his cock.
"huuh" a load moan escaped Savita's lips.
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He found her dry and loved it.
"I love your work ethics Savita. Still acting like you don't want this to happen. Loving it..loving it." he spit onto his right palm and applied some onto his dick and tried again.
"asssh" she exclaimed.
The cock entered her a bit.
He then held both her ass cheeks and withdrew his tool a bit and rammed it again.
"aaah" she yelled.
"Loving this babe." he said and with drew and rammed it again.
Savita slowly started to get wet.
The stranger was enjoying the role play a lot.
"You are so tight Savita. Worth every penny." he went on fucking her from behind.
The room was filled with Savita's moans.
After a couple of minutes he came in her.
He slowed down and stayed still for a few seconds, then withdrew it completely.
Savita collapsed on the couch with her ass up.
He spanked on her ass cheek and said, "Now for the booze and walked into the kitchen. It did not take him a lot of time to find Jay's booze stack.
He picked a scotch, poured himself a drink and walked out. He slowly started to undress.
Once he was all naked. His tool started to stand up looking at Savita.
He came to her and held her hand. Slowly pulled her onto her feet and walked her into the bedroom.
Savita's mind had frozen a long time ago and she just followed him as he lead the way into the bedroom.
Once there, the stranger finished his drink and pushed her onto the bed.
He started to maul her boobs roughly. He came close to her and moved dick close to her mouth. Before she could say anything he started rubbing it on her lips.
She came back to the real world and tried saying something and opened her mouth in the process only to find his dick pushed into her mouth.
She tried pushing him away. The stranger was immensely enjoying the role play.
Savita, even after being fucked once already, is still sticking to her character of a newlywed who does not want to have sex.
He increased the pace.
In no time his cock was hard for the next round.
![[Image: 80419040_001_6ced.jpg]]( ![[Image: 80419040_002_c829.jpg]]( ![[Image: 73104662_129_d703.jpg]](
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He put her hands on her lingerie and ripped it.
"Noo.nooo" she wanted to yell but nothing came out of her mouth.
He got between her legs and stuck his penis in her pussy. Savita's pussy was well lubricated by now and it had no issues taking the stranger's entire cock in one swift push.
He started squeezing her boobs and licking her nick.
She was staring at the ceiling fan as he was enjoying her.
He then changed the position and made her ride him.![[Image: 95024279_015_c3e3.jpg]]( ![[Image: 80419040_011_3311.jpg]]( ![[Image: 73104662_029_476f.jpg]]( ![[Image: 73104662_112_326f.jpg]](
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After what felt like a life time, he came a second time.
He took his cock out of her and walked into the bath room to clean himself.
Savita could not move a muscle and just lied there.
After a few minutes he came out and was on the phone.
"What an item. Yes,..yes, I would want to repeat. Another role for the next time. Shit, I will be a regular." He was going on and on.
He got off the phone and walked into the hall to pick up his clothes and got dressed.
He came back to the bed room and took out and wad of cash and threw it at Savita. It ended up landing on her belly.
"That was a fuck to remember Savita."
"I need to go now. Next time let us make this more interesting. Okay Babe?" He kissed her roughly on her lips and walked out the door and disappeared into the darkness.
Savita stayed on the bed and dozed off.
She heard the door bell ring but she ignored it as she did not have the strength to get up. "It probably is the milkman" she figured.
She woke up as of from a nightmare and looked at the clock and it was 11AM.
She immediately got onto her feet and almost tripped to fall to the ground but managed to stay on her feet. She walked to the door and locked it.
She then took and shower to clean herself.
She walked and stood in front of the mirror and stared at herself for a minute.
She did not have strength to even cry.
She then remembered that Jay will be arriving by the 5PM flight that evening.
She immediately wore something comfortable and walked into the living room and found the package, the cash and the scotch bottle.
She cleaned the room putting everything away including the cash she got as a tip from "HIM".
She then started to cook for Jay.
Once she was done she looked at the clock and it was 3PM.
As if she remembered something, she picked her purse and walked out the door locking it behind her.
She walked straight to the pharmacy and bought a pack of morning after pills. The store keeper gave her a strange look when she asked for it. She kept her gaze to the floor, picked it up, paid for it and walked out without waiting for him to give her change back.
She took the pill and sat at the dining table. He gaze fell on her wedding picture. She could not control her tears as soon as she saw Jay's face.
She cried for half hour and slowly started to recover.
"Jay should not find out." she told herself and walked into the bathroom to wash her face.
Savita came back and changed into something nice for Jay and waited for him.
He showed up at around 9PM and they both had dinner.
Later they both moved to the bedroom and Jay immediately dozed off but Savita stayed awake the whole night.
The next morning, Jay got ready, gave her a kiss and walked out the door. Savita collapsed on the floor where she stood as soon as Jay walked out. She started crying again.
After a while she stood up and walked past her laptop and realized, "What if Jay had looked at this?" and immediately logged back in to delete the browser history.
The page had refreshed and the new page showed another question.
"When will you be ready for the next session?"
below that was a calendar view for her to select the date(s).
She deleted the browser history and pushed the laptop away.
The next three weeks were normal. She had gotten into her regular routine with Jay.
One evening, Jay called her from work.
She answered her phone, "Hello Jay."
"Babe, I need to leave for Mumbai this evening. It is a bit longer strip than last time. Probably for a week. Please pack my things."
She froze and did not say anything.
"Hello..hello are you there?" Jay asked.
"y.y..yes" she replied.
"Okay poor connection I suppose. So find something to do for the week." and he hung up.
Savita sat at the dining table with her head in her hands.
Jay was in a rush that evening.
she could not even properly bid goodbye to him. He was out the door in no time.
The time was around 8PM.
Savita sat on the couch and tried watching TV.
All the events of "LAST TIME" started to roll in front of her.
She could feel a sense of despair.
She managed to kill time and slept. The next morning she woke up and did yoga and other routine stuff to stay fit.
She felt all alone during lunch but managed to grab a bite.
Around 5PM, she started to feel restless.
"How to kill a whole week's time?"
She wanted to get a part time job and logged into the computer.
Something was making browsing hard for her.
She went back to watching TV but could not shake off the restless feeling.
She slowly went into the bedroom and opened the almirah where she hid the "STASH"
She picked both packages and the touch of the material of the first box made her inside tingle.
She looked at the second package and without thinking started counting the money. It was Rs.75,000.
She looked at the wad of cash she got as a tip which she dumped into the first box and counted it. It was Rs, 25,000.
She had trashed the attire she got in the first package. I was ripped anyways.
She got dressed and stepped out for an evening walk. All she could think was about the last "SESSION".
She ran back to her house and logged onto the computer and hesitated for a bit before she typed the url and she could feel her index finger shake when she tried hitting enter.
The page loaded and Savita could not breath in anticipation.
It was the same question.
Fantasy with options. There were more options this time and the calendar for her to pick her date(s) of availability.
She continued to stare at the screen remembering the first "SESSION".
Yes - "This is not for you dear readers"
No - "Congratulations on picking the correct answer!"
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It felt very hard for Savita to get out of the trance. Her mind seems to be clogged. It usually was a very simple and mundane decision she would have to make to kill time when Jay is away normally.
But not this time.
She thought , "Normally I had to choose from the limited options available"
1. Watch TV
2. Catch up on current events on the web
3. Looks for a part time job and start sending resume
4. Call and friend
She cursed herself for thinking in terms of options, the way the xyz website laid them out.
Being not able to make up her mind, Savita stood up and looked out the window.
To add to her misery, it seems, the weather was very dull. It was foggy and was drizzling.
Savita turned her gaze to the computer and looked at the website. She got emotional thinking about Jay.
"Having a loving husband should keep me contained but why is my mind wavering?" She could not shake out the feeling..the feeling that makes you feel miserable but restless at the same time.
It was obvious for Savita why she was feeling miserable. The guilt is what is making her feel that way.
But she could not understand the reason for the other feeling.
"Why restless?" she wondered.
It is the kind of feeling that starts from boredom and keeps pushing and pushing the person until he/she ends up doing something..something to scratch that ITCH!!
Savita started at the computer for a long time. Looking at the two questions made tears to roll down her cheeks.
She got onto her feet and walked to the almirah.
Talking a deep breath, Savita pulled the either package, looked at the contents once again and walked into the hall.
She pulled wads of cash and threw them on the couch.
She then walked into the kitchen and came back with a book of matches.
The drizzle hadn't stopped yet. Savita walked to her back yard and to a corner of the yard.
The trees were giving a lot of shade there and the place under the trees was dry. She carefully set each item ablaze and held it in her hand until it the fire came close to burning her fingers and only then dropped it onto the floor.
The package, the picture of the GUY, the welcome brochure, the envelope, her after the other.
She did not move until she was satisfied that all traces of the "stuff" were gone.
"The only stuff left is the cash" she said out loud turning towards the house.
Once she got in she walked up to the laptop and deleted the browser history.
"They can never trap me again." She was determined.
Satisfied, she sat on the couch and started thinking again, about how to keep herself busy for a week.
Option 4 came to her mind.. call a friend.
Savita chuckled while the tears were still running down her cheeks, realizing that she was still thinking in the language ....options...options.
She immediately picked up her mobile and dialed a number.
"Hello". As soon as she heard the voice, Savita felt relieved.
Finally! Someone to talk to. She had been trapped in her own mind fighting conflicting emotions and this felt as a sweet relief.
"Hello Shweta?" she said.
"Hiiiiii Savita!!" Shweta exclaimed, ”It's been a very long time yaar!"
"Very long time indeed" Savita responded.
She felt a little disappointed when she heard Shwetha say," I would love to chat but I am in the middle of something now. Can I call you in the morning?"
Forcing a fake smile Savita replied, "Sure" and hung up the phone.
"Bummer!" Savita felt more restless.
Savita did not know anyone in the city they live in. She was a bit disappointed when she heard the city's name during the chat she had with her parent about Jay's match.
She hoped that she could settle in the same city she went to college and college, or at least in a city she had friends in.
At first she did not think it was an issue but having friends especially when Jay is out of town definitely helps is what she realized over the last few years.
"It would have helped a lot now." She thought.
The time was close to 7PM.
Shweta was introduced to her in one of Jay's office parties. She started to recall it all.
Jay took her to one of the parties his firm had arranged a year ago. It was at a club house..the ones that folks normally rent for such events. There was an open bar, catering, some musicians performing etc.,
Jay introduced Savita to Raj.
" Raj. My buddy from college. " Jay said.
Savita looked at Raj and immediately had a very warm feeling. He had a very similar smile as Jay and the way he was talking also reminded her of Jay.
She extended her hand saying "Hello" and shook his hand.
"Hello" he said.
The Savita noticed some one walk up to him from behind. Raj turned around and smiled.
Savita noticed that is the kind of smile one would have when one sees something they truly love.
It was Shweta.
Raj introduced her to Savita.
Savita liked her from minute one.
Something about Shweta made her feel, "it would be fun to be around her."
She is not a typical boring type of woman.
"Cute face..good physique..a little bit of fat." Savita thought, "I am sure she is trying hard to get rid of it."
"But some men love it." she smiled to herself.
All four of them settled at a round table.
"We were not friends at college." Jay continued. "Actually we did not like each other that much for some reason. It is not that we had fights or anything. "
"Yes..yes..I can't explain it either." Raj added turning towards Shwetha "Shweta, did you know, we used to see each other every day.. and even at all the parties, week end lab work..everything. But never even attempted to say Hi to each other."
"You probably were trying to score the same chick." Shweta said as if it is very obvious.
Savita was surprised to hear this. After all, they had just met and Jay is almost a stranger to her but that did not stop her from making that comment.
"Hmmm..bubbly" Savita thought about Shweta.
Jay was surprised to hear that but quickly recovered. " of that sort." He said.
"Okay" Shweta said very casually and in a tone that said, "I will go for the next guess."
"You two were competing for first rank?" she said.
"Nope" it was Raj who replied this time. "In fact we barely survived Mr. Sharma's class."
"I hated accounting." Jay said.
"okay" Shweta continued.
"May be you two were trying to get close to a certain Ms.good looking teacher and knew the other one was also trying the same thing." was Shwetha's next guess.
Savita was surprised to see neither Jay or Raj respond.
The ladies burst into laughter.
The guys realized they were caught. "Yes..yess. you guessed it Shwetha." Jay said.
"It was Ms.Lilly, the math teacher." Raj said.
"okay..okay..I am sure "MS.Lilly" is married to someone else now and you two are also married to you can stop competing and be friends." Shweta said with a big smile.
Savita was very impressed with all this. She thought, "I could be friends with Shweta."
"Are you sure Ms.Lilly is married? Last time I checked she was still single." Jay said.
" will kill you if you try anything funny with her...she is all mine..all mine I say" Raj said lifting a dinner knife in a threatening manner.
Savita could sense rage in Raj's face. Jay looked startled and did not say anything.
There was awkward silence for almost 10 secs.
"Shut the hell up you two." Shweta said laughing. "You guys can't fool me."
The duo burst into laughter.
"You don't know us boys Savita," Raj said, "Swetha figured it out that we were kidding but looks like we got you."
Everyone started to laugh..even the folks sitting in the next table were laughing at all this.
Savita felt very happy that day. She finally found a friend in the city.
She came back to her boring day when there was a knock on the door.
Savita started to fret remembering last time this happened. The guy walked in when she opened the door.
She quickly walked to the door and peeped through the hole but could not find anyone.
Just to be sure, she yelled, "Who is it?" But there was no answer.
She did not want to take any chances and so stayed indoors without opening the door.
Savita waited till it was 10PM.
She slowly walked up to the door and waited for a few more minutes. There was no sound.
Convinced that there was no one, she opened the door only to find a package on the floor.
She brought it inside locking the door behind her.
She placed it on the table and did not want to touch it.
Turning the TV on, Savita sat on the couch but could not focus on the TV shows.
Curiosity was getting the better of her and Savita realized it.
"These guys are pros at what they do." She thought, "getting bored house wives curious and do what they want us to do."
She still did not want to open the package.
At around 12AM, Savita could not take it anymore.
"What could they have sent me now?" She wondered.
"Okay..okay..get a grip on yourself" Savita told herself.
"As long as I don't log in the website and end up doing their bidding, I should be fine." She thought. "So opening the package should not be an issue, as I did not sign anything to show the receipt of the package."
Savita slowly picked up a pair of scissors and opened the package.
Before she could look into the contents, her phone started ringing.
Savita place the package back on the table and picked her phone.
It was Shweta.
"Why is she calling me this late?" she wondered.
"Hello?" Savita answered.
"Sorry to be calling you this late, Savita." Shweta said.
"No worries. What's up?" Savita said.
"I don't have many friends in the city yaar. Savita" Shweta said.
"What?" Savita was confused.
"Sorry..sorry. I should have started from the beginning." Shweta said.
"Raj was always with me in his earlier job as he did not have to travel. So it was okay for me. But last year he took a new position and that came with light travelling. At first it was okay. I kept myself busy. But now a days he is away for weeks together and I am bored to death." was the response.
"Hmm" Savita thought as she felt the same way.
"When you called this evening, I was packing things for Raj as he was leaving for one of his trips. and so could not talk. Sorry." Shweta said.
"No worries at all Shweta." Savita replied.
"I need to keep myself busy for 2 weeks now." Shweta said.
"Two weeks? Poor thing." Savita thought.
There was awkward silence for a bit and neither spoke.
Sensing this, Savita realized, Shweta could not sleep either and could see herself in her.
"She does not want to hang up but ran out of things to say" Savita thought.
Being the experienced one at boredom, Savita finally spoke.
"How about a girls day out tomorrow?" Savita said.
"It would be wonderful. But I don't want to disturb you and Jay." She replied.
" not at all. So 10AM at the mall?" Savita asked.
"It is a date." was the response.
After hanging up the phone, Savita went straight to bed.
She thought about what to wear and what to do to spend the day with Shweta and slowly dozed off.
The sound of the door bell woke her up and it was 6AM.
Savita rushed to the door and found the milkman.
She took the milk packets and locked the door.
She made herself coffee and started getting ready.
Savita chose her dress carefully and applied light makeup. She was looking pretty.
She whistled when she saw herself in the mirror.
She was cheerful looking forward to spending the day with Shweta.
Before she could step out the door, her eyes fell on the package.
"No harm is checking, I suppose." Savita walked towards the table and looked into the package.
Savita was surprised to see a wad of cash.
"What the hell?" she thought and looked further.
There were 5 cards and they looked like visiting cards.
She looked at one and it had the website name and nothing else.
Savita noticed the same logo at the bottom right corner of the card.
"Hmm..they want who ever looks at it to click on the logo." She thought.
She found a hand written note that said - "Everyone needs excitement in life!!!!!"
"What?" Savita thought.
Savita realized she was getting late and so put the cash away and wanted to burn the rest of it.
She lit the package on fire along with the note and before she could do the same to the visiting cards, she hesitated.
She stood there silently for a minute and ended up putting the cards in her purse and walked out the door.
"Hello dear." Savita turned around hearing this.
It was Shweta. She looked very fit and sexy in her summer dress.
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"Hmm she has been working out. Raj is lucky." Savita thought.
"looking awesome Shweta." Savita complimented.
"Thanks" Shweta blushed but shot back, "But all the men around us are ogling at you, not me."
"Shut up." Savita said blushing herself.
"Shopping?" Shweta said cheerfully.
"Absolutely." Savita responded and they both started walking towards the mall leaving all the men behind them staring at the duo's curves. Some men had bulges in their bulges in their pants.
The ladies noticed this and laughed while walking and feeling great.
They both spent a lot of time shopping and then went to a movie.
Savita could sense Shweta does not want the day to end as she would have to go back to her boring home at night.
Savita was in the same situation.
After the movie, they went to have dinner at a fancy restaurant.
Everyone was staring at the lovely ladies with added to the thrill.
Shweta said, "Life is so boring now, Savita. I want to get a job to keep myself busy." Savita managed to just chuckle at this but did not have any answer.
Shweta went on and on about the time Raj wasn't travelling and how wonderful life was for her and how everything changed with him changing jobs.
"It is good for his career but not so good for me." She said smiling, "and I don't want to complain either as Raj takes care of me when he come back. You know what I mean?"
They both laughed at this.
Savita became very silent and was deep in her thoughts.
Sensing this, Shweta asked, "Is everything okay?"
"Y..yes everything is okay." Savita responded.
Shweta excused herself to the bath room leaving Savita to her thoughts.
"Poor thing is in the same boat as I." Savita thought, "two weeks is a long time."
The she started to remember how she felt excited going through the questionnaire from the website and the fun she had when the website said she can charge 100,000 a night.
She chuckled at the thought but went all serious as soon as he remembered the things that followed.
As soon as she remembered the GUY and the things he did to her, her insides started to tingle.
"Why am I getting excited instead of getting scared?" She thought.
She could not explain the feeling.
After a while she realized she was getting excited because she just recollected all the events, the moment she logged onto the website to answering the questions while having fun, to the SESSION, not picturing herself in the series of events, but viewing Shweta in her place.
"Shit..why am I thinking about all this and that too happening to Shweta?" she cursed herself.
Shweta was taking her time and Savita was again bored.
The tingling sensation started to grow.
"I wonder how much the website would say Shweta can charge a night?" she wondered while feeling the guilt, at the same time, that comes with thinking about some other bored house wife knowing what will end up happening.
Savita thought, "I am being a bad person."
As time passed the tingling sensation grew. Savita's guilt started to fade slowly.
She started looking around to keep her occupied until Shweta comes back.
"What is taking her so long?" She wondered.
As soon as she saw Shweta coming out of the restroom, Savita grew impatient, as if she will lose an opportunity.
She slowly dug into her purse and pulled the visiting card.
She hesitated for a bit and slowly slipped it into Shwetha's purse.
They continued to have dinner.
"We should do this again!" Shweta said before they started walking towards the parking lot.
"Yes.yes of course." Savita responded.
While driving back, Savita's tingling sensation was at its peak. She drove very fast to get to her place.
Once indoors, Savita started to think about what Shwetha would be doing.
"She would have found the visiting card by now." She started to imagine.
Savita was getting amused by all this.
"She would have wondered where it came from. Would she have logged onto the website?"
"What if she missed the logo and thought it was a boring website and missed the spicy parts?" She wondered.
She took a shower and changed into her night gown.
She could not sleep at all.
Slowly she opened the laptop and opened the browser.
"I should not be doing this." Savita thought but could not help herself.
She was feeling very warm in her stomach.
"Shweta would have started answering the questions."
"She has to select the day of availability as IMMEDITELY."
"So there will be a package delivered to her tonight."
Savita started to feel guilty at this thought.
She slowly typed and hit enter.
The page opened and Savita was shaking with excitement. The was torn between two conflicting feelings - excitement and fear.
The page had the same questions about fantasies with options and the date of availability.
She noticed that the fantasy options were almost a page long now.
Curious, she started going though them.
Double team, gangbang, molestation were a few she could find that she immediately could understand what they were.
The other were not very familiar to her.
"Would Shweta have been given all these options or the one she was given - the newlywed not wanting to have sex?" she wondered.
"What would she have picked if she was given all those options?" Savita wondered.
She looked at the clock and it was 1AM.
"This was when the FUN started for me" Savita remembered.
She was lost in her thoughts when something appeared on the screen.
A message that said, "THANKS FOR THE REFERRAL!!!!!"
Savita did not understand what it was.
The message changed again.
"Want a peak?" it said with Yes/No options.
Savita knew the option of NO would lead her nowhere and clicked on Yes.
The message said, "Turn on the volume for best experience and enjoy the show!!!!"
Savita did not know what to do and ended up increasing the volume.
A button that said, "View" showed up with a message at the bottom.
"Hope to get more referrals from you in the future!!!"
Savita clicked on the VIEW button and the video pane showed up.
It was someone's living room.
The video started to shake as if someone is moving the camera and a few second later, it was placed on a table to focus it on the couch.
Savita then noticed a guy walk up to the couch and sat on it and another one joined him.
It looked like they were waiting for someone.
The Savita heard a familiar voice.
"Are you ready, boys?"
The guys looked towards the bedroom and a lady wearing a tank top and a sexy pair of shorts showed up.
Savita could not believe her eyes.
It was Shwetha.
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