Shujuu Reversi (“Master And Servant Reversal”) [English], by Gosaiji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Hook, line and sinker

An early teenager, crushed under his wealthy family’s pressure, living in a mansion’s stifling lifeless atmosphere, makes a good prey for 2 maids who are very good at hiding their game. In public they’re supportive, in private, well… Some may call it also being supportive, or one may also call it doing a maid’s job, or even ensuring they have a job and a good position in the future when the boy’s older and is still totally addicted to them :D

I wouldn’t call it femdom (zero pain but verbal abuse and occasional binding, 100% pleasure), we’re in a situation of softly applied domination and “mental marking”, so to say.
What’s left is to enjoy the sight of two horny sexy maids, one with dark skin, gifting a shota with quality vaginal sex :)

Thanks a lot to Axalon, MrWayne, CellTF and Dynellen! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Hatsugao, Sotsugyou Reward and Boku Ga Yorokobu 3B No Housoku.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

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(35 MB, 25 pictures, English)

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5 years ago

Based on dialogue, poor male protag-kun has to live under the shadow of his father constantly comparing him to his (elder) brother in a lesser light, yet hypocritical father still wants him to be a man worthy of the family name. At least, “sexy happy fun time” with two maids seems to be his only respite in his unpleasant existence (even with the domination/light femdom on their part … another time, place and artist. it could have been worse).

5 years ago

meh, the drawing of the MC was too shota like for my tastes.

5 years ago

All im hoping is that after growing up, little yuuji-bou here will turn it around and bind them to his bedpost before “bending” them to his will.

At least that way we could get a non-shota follow up, cause i like em maid. the shota? not so much

5 years ago

I don’t even read the tiny man comics anymore, just see how cute the dude is, how small he is relative to the women, and how hot the chicks are drawn; then I multiply by a SD value to figure out how pissed or sad to be.

5 years ago

I thought we’d discover that the maids had also punished his brother in the past or were still disciplining his father! At least they redeemed themselves at the end, saying they had confidence in him.

5 years ago

What was happening with the ideal older brother anyway ? Seeing the past tense that the father used and about the heir issue, I don’t know if the elder brother had been hospitalized due to being squeezed out by the predatory maid ?

5 years ago
Reply to  HigurashiHougi

An IN-teresting proposition. Perhaps the elder brother (the father’s favorite) was indeed hospitalized or otherwise *koff-koff* “incapacitated” for reasons you stated, even if maybe the father had no clue as to the cause. Or taking it further, maybe older brother has passed on having succumbed to … SNU-SNU (BRR). 😱